Thursday, November 13, 2008

Going Back To Work

Ok, so I stepped away from the blogging for a while. The truth is I have been looking for a job. Yes, me-- a real leave the house, put on something other than your jammies job! I put in for a few things, so now I am waiting to hear back. How long do these things take I wonder? I wish the economy were not so poor so I wouldn't have to do this. I enjoy being "happy mom". When I work my evil twin appears biting the heads off of unsuspecting husbands, children, and friends everywhere! Maybe I should return to antidepressants before this endeavor, but somehow I hope to make it through. I have decided to try childcare again as this is my true and most favorite kind of job. There is something about taking care of little ones that help me keep my cool. If only it were lucrative to stay at home. Wish me luck!


jennwa said...

Good Luck ! I hope you find a great job.

Mrs. Mootz said...

Good luck with the job search! I hope you're able to find something you love soon!